When Accelerant Solutions‘ president and founder Julius “Rusty” Glaser wanted to create a website for his growing consultant and public speaking business, he wanted something that looked great – but was also easy to create and maintain.
To accomplish that, he turned to SquareSpace, a popular build-your-own website service that promised “no coding required” for an information-rich, beautiful, and easily maintained web presence that would help him capture new customers and keep existing clients engaged. Using the SquareSpace templates, Rusty quickly generated a page and populated content; and the results were pretty good.
As Accelerant Solutions began to grow, and with it Rusty’s desire for more intricate content and deeper engagement for visitors, SquareSpace’s basic templates and interface failed to serve. That’s when they turned to help from 43Folders’ web development and consulting services.
I could see Accelerant Solutions and Rusty had created a solid site with tons of great content using the SquareSpace tools. What was needed wasn’t a full site redesign, just a push in the right direction. 43Folders was able to offer that quickly and without causing budget pain for this small but growing business.
– Michael Kastler, president 43Folders Technology Solutions
SquareSpace, Wix, and other “no code” sites are an appealing option for many businesses just starting out or interested in having an attractive web presence quickly and with little investment in time or training. They do a great job, particularly with portfolio businesses and simple storefronts. What they offer in simplicity and ease is balanced out however by a rigidity and sameness – and while that may not impact you much if you’re mainly interested in showing off a photography studio or making sure people can find your restaurant, when it’s time to evolve beyond static pages and simple contact forms many businesses find these sites lacking.
If you find yourself in a similar situation, 43Folders can help! Contact us today for reasonable rates and professional updates to a “no-code” website that suddenly seems to require a lot more work than you expected. We can improve your web page in situ or recommend and can assist moving to a self-hosted solution when that’s a better option. 43Folders has partnerships with hosting companies, financial institutions, and other resources that will save you hassle – and money – while providing a professional, effective and manageable web presence for your company website and online storefront.
Contact us today for more info or to request a free website analysis and quote.